The basic principles of Kyokushin
Dojo Etiquette

Most often in front of the dojo mat is a shrine with a picture of the founder of the school, which is produced according to the etiquette of the bow at the beginning and end of the session. All schools adopted dojo etiquette, which regulates behavior in school and the violation of which is punishable by up to demoted and expulsion from school. Nowadays, due to the prevalence of martial arts dojo etiquette model greatly simplified, on the one hand sposobstuet increase in the number of potential students, and the other a few undermines the original principles.
Students bow and say “OS” at the entrance to the school building and the training hall dojo. Upon entering the dojo, students should bow and say “OS” in the “Chengdu”, bow and say “OS” in the direction of the students already in the room;
Students in training need to work in full force. Latecomers to the beginning of training should bow and say “OS” in the direction of the center of the room and sit in the “seiza” facing the wall opposite to the “Chengdu”, with eyes closed and head bowed. Latecomers must sit as long as they were not invited to join the group. After the invitation late, is in the “seiza” should bow and say sitsurey Simas (Jap. 失礼 し ま す?, Sorry to trouble you). Then latecomers have to stand up to the end of the group, trying not to pass in front of the group, especially in the senior;
Students are expected to keep themselves and their shape (dogs, covers, gloves, sink, etc..) In a clean, tidy condition. Permission to wear to the gym only pure white dogs. The official emblem of Kyokushin karate should be strengthened on the justify side of the chest dogs. All torn areas must be neatly sewn. Always unkempt and unrepaired form shows careless and disrespectful student to his comrades in the group and to the dojo;
It is not permitted without a team to correct dogs during training. If it became necessary to improve the shape during a workout, you need to do it quickly and without fuss, his back to the “Chengdu”;
All students higher level of sport, as well as a senior in age, shall be given appropriate respect. All students must stand up and say “OS” with the appearance of a senior position;
Referring to the senior student or instructor, or greeting them, the student should say “OS” and bow. The same must be done after the end of the conversation or treatment. This ritual should be observed also outside the dojo, since students must always respect elders. If you do not know the position or the sports level of your companion, you must always refer to him as a senior;
When shaking hands with each other, use two hands to show trust and humility and say “OS”. A similar ritual is observed outside the dojo, especially with respect to the most senior position;
In training students need to work in full force, immediately responding to commands or senior instructor at the level loudly saying “OS”. A slow or indifferent response is considered rude;
During the training students need to fully focus on the execution of techniques or other instructor jobs and not be distracted by extraneous threads have the deepest respect and friendly attitude to the instructor and their fellow dojo. Never engaged in Kyokushin karate without serious relationship, which deserves karate;
During the training the students on the team sometimes allowed to “relax sitting” accept “Turkish position” Anza. At this time, relaxation of the students have to sit quietly and not be distracted by conversation or other foreign action;
Students have no right to leave the room without permission. If there is an urgent need to leave the room, do it as it should be, and on his return to the instructor explain the reason for his exit from the hall;
To prevent possible injury, students shall not wear jewelry during training, hours, or other sharp objects. Allowed to be in training in the glasses prescribed by a doctor, but during the freestyle battle points necessary to remove or replace contact lenses. It is recommended that the use of shin pads, pads for hands, bibs for girls and groin for male students;
Traditionally, the training hall is a revered place, so students do not have to be in the hall hats, outdoor shoes, and using obscene and abusive language. The hall is not allowed to chew gum, eat, or drink. Smoking is prohibited throughout the dojo;
All pupils clean room after a workout. Students should take care of the gym as a special and respected place;
Students should respect the camaraderie in the dojo and not to harm the image of Kyokushin Karate and unsportsmanlike misconduct and show no hostility to the opponent during the freestyle battle, when the possibility of injury is greatly increased;
All members of the dojo should refrain from gossip, disparaging or degrading remarks about other schools and styles of martial arts;
Students wishing to participate in competitions and championships, before applying should consult Sensei;
Students wishing to visit other Kyokushin schools, must first ask permission from the sensei. Students wishing to train in the branch school Kyokushin Karate, must have a valid membership card of the International Organization Kyokushin and get a letter of recommendation from the Sensei. Being in the branch, the student must express the appropriate respect, kindness and modesty with respect to students and instructors;
All students must behave with dignity within and outside the dojo to adequately represent the International Kyokushin Organization. Students should not use military equipment for the purpose of intentionally injure any person. The exception is when the student life or the life of people close to him is in immediate danger;
Students should strive to be soft and balanced in daily life, to be collected, sensible and helpful in all actions. Students should not forget the spirit of Kyokushin, whose motto reads: “Keep your head low (be modest), eyes high (be ambitious), be restrained in words (Give a report to say) and kind in heart (treat others with respect and goodwill). Treat your parents respectfully. ”
Prohibitions dojo:
The dojo can not enter the shoe. When entering and leaving a ceremonial bow is Ray;
The dojo is forbidden to make noise, engage in improper conduct, conduct vain pastime;
Do not make a bow when entering or leaving the dojo from it;
Wear clothes (coats, jackets, etc.) in the dojo;
Wear a hat, hat, cap and so on. D. In the dojo;
Sit with legs extended;
Sit with your knees or a knee;
Lying on the floor;
Eating and drinking in the dojo (except in special situations).

The value of the spirit of OSU

“OS” – a word that most often can be heard in Kyokushin dojo or Kyokushin tournament. When entering or leaving the dojo, it is obligatory nod and uttering “OS”. Welcoming a person engaged in Kyokushin karate, you must say “OS” instead of “hello” or “hello”. Following the instructions or responding to a question in the audience said, “OS” instead of “yes” or “I understand.” When the vase Kihon (Kihon Waza – basic techniques) in the dojo, every movement is often accompanied by a loud “OS”. In the implementation of sparring in the hall, if your opponent is a good, hard technique, you say “OS” to acknowledge your opponent’s skill. As a measure of respect, knockdown fighters at a tournament bow and say “OS” forward, referees and each other before and after the fight. “Os” is used in many situations and has many meanings. But what does it really mean?
OS – was the result of reducing the words Oshi (pressure) and Shinobu (Endure anything; withstand the test of time). It means perseverance, determination and perseverance. Each time, saying “Wasps”, we remind ourselves of this.
Kyokushin training is very demanding. You push yourself until you think you do not reach your limit. First, your body wants to stop, but your mind keeps pushing you. When your mind wants to stop, but your spirit keeps you going. You endure the pain. You persevere. This is the “operating system”.
Kyokushin Karate can not be learned overnight. It takes years to properly learn the fundamentals. The basic techniques are performed thousands of times (ren ma – “always polishing”) until they become instinctive movements, without realizing what you are doing (mushin – “no thoughts”). It is easy to break down, making the same thing over and over again, especially when progress seems to be almost there. Overcoming this and continue training takes patience and perseverance. This – “Os.”
The absolute and unfaltering devotion needed to climb to the top of Kyokushin Karate – is “OS”.
The spirit of “Os”, probably best described by Shihan Cameron Quinn (Cameron Quinn) from Australia in his book “Budo Karate Mas Oyama”:
“There is a saying in Japan – ‘Ishi no ue ni san nen’. Translated, it means” Three years on a rock. “This saying symbolizes the need for perseverance in everything. This is – one of the most important philosophies in Kyokushin karate. Kyokushin – art, requiring from you sacrifices objects attained long training. Eventually, you realize that live in the hearts of the participants special spirit transcending the kicks, punches, and the kata. It teaches them to meet without fear, mature and patient, the difficulties of everyday life. Budo-ka unmoved with light blows of fate, he understands that to achieve and demonstrate their true potential, require a person indomitable spirit of perseverance. This force develops in hard training and is known as the “Osu no seishin” (spirit of the OS). The word “Hos” is derived from “oshi shinobu “, which means” to persevere while you can (to a limit). “It implies a willingness to push himself to the limits of endurance, to persevere under any kind of pressure. The single word “Hos” most accurately shows that art can offer karate, particularly Kyokushin. Anyone who truly able to manifest the spirit of “Os” in every word, thought and action can be regarded as wise and brave. First of all, training should take place in a spirit of “Os”. Everyday life and the responsibilities it holds, would be more completely, if there is in the spirit of “Os”. Even a novice who feels a lack of training and is not eager to face the demands of training, just to know that through perseverance and the desire to continue it can achieve greater physical, mental, spiritual and emotional strength. All that is needed – a firm intention. In other words, an “OS.”

Oath Kyokushin

We will train our hearts and bodies to achieve a solid and steadfast spirit swear;
We will pursue the true meaning of the martial way so that our feelings were always ready swear;
With true zeal, we will strive to cultivate the spirit of self-perfection (self) I swear;
We will observe the rules of etiquette, respect for elders and refrain from violence swear;
We will follow our goal and never forget the true virtue of humility swear;
We will strive for wisdom and strength, not seeking other desires swear;
All our lives through karate, we will seek to fulfill the true meaning of Kyokushin way I swear.
Japanese pronunciation:
Hitotsu, vare vare Islands, about Sinsin remmasi, Kakko fubatsu but Shingo kivameru on koto.
Hitotsu, vare vare Islands, bu but Shinji about kivame, ki no Hussey, no Bin Kang violated koto.
Hitotsu, vare vare Islands, sitsudzitsu th: ken on the motte, but Dziki seishin of kanё: suru koto.
Hitotsu, vare vare Islands, reysetsu of Mondsee, Cho: jo: about Casey, sobo: but furumay of tsutsusimu koto.
Hitotsu, vare vare Islands, simbutsu about it: Toby kendzё: but the cue ball on the vasuredzaru koto.
Hitotsu, vare vare Islands, TISE tayrёku something about it to: jo: sase, koto no nodzonde ayamatadzaru koto.
Hitotsu, vare vare Islands, sho: Guy but shugyo: about karate but michi no zu: ji, but Mitya about Kyokushin Matto: suru koto.